Principal's Message
Prof. Dr. Siby Joseph
As a member of the faculty of this esteemed academic lyceum, it is with an earnest sense of pride and gratitude that I pen this brief note.
It is my firm conviction that an institution catering to the higher education aspirations of the community shall at once be a vital hub for the formation, transformation and dissemination of knowledge, and a reservoir that preserves and transmits this wisdom to the future generations. Being the custodian of one such institution, I deem this a position of responsibility, service and obligation to all concerned.
I assure you that my sole wish and ultimate aim shall forever be the overall well-being and betterment of the wards entrusted to me; my spur and source of inspiration shall be the hopes and aspirations of their parents; my fountain of energy and dynamism shall be the unity and dedication of the teaching and administrative staff of Team St George’s.
I pray to the Almighty to bestow upon me the courage and wisdom to be faithful to God and truthful to man, and to empower me accept and care all my wards as my own children. Together, let us all strive to make this family a loving abode and a safe haven for anyone and everyone engaged in that timeless quest for knowledge of the world and wisdom of the spirit.