  • Course Type: Certificate Course

Course Course Code Duration
Python SGC/ADCPHY/PYT/2021 32

Course Objectives:

Upon successfully completing this course, students will be able to “do something useful with Python”.

1. Identify/characterize/define a problem
2. Design a program to solve the problem
3. Create executable code
4. Read most Python code

Module 1(10 Hrs )

Introduction -gitHub, Functions, Booleans and Modules- Sequences, Iteration and String Formatting- Dictionaries, Sets, and Files

Module 2(10 Hrs )

Exceptions, Testing, Comprehensions-Advanced Argument Passing, Lambda -- functions as objects-Object Oriented Programming-More OO -- Properties, Special methods

Module 3 (12 Hrs)

Iterators, Iterables, and Generators