Health Club

Good health is central to human happiness and well-being. Healthy citizens make noteworthy contributions to the overall growth of society. The Health Club of the college is a voluntary group that learns, discusses and takes action on issues related to the health and well-being of the staff and students of the campus. The club aims at increasing the knowledge and understanding of health issues that affect not only the students of the campus, but also the people in the neighbourhood, and guide them to adopt healthy behaviours. The club promotes a hygienic lifestyle among students, organizes outreach programmes, provides first-aid facilities and challenges the students to take up leadership roles and responsibilities.

The Health club seeks to spread the culture of physical fitness on campus. It provides a unique opportunity to work towards a healthier campus and it strives to keep the students healthy in body and mind. In association with the physical education department, the club organizes the annual sports day and various inter-departmental competitions. It organizes intramural competitions for football, cricket and volleyball. The club also responds positively to the call of the Prime Minister's ‘Fit India' movement to take the nation forward on the path of fitness and wellness. 


Dr. Viyani Charly 


Mr. Preestly Thomas